About Us

At Wildlife Conservancy Institute, we recognize that effective solutions require a multi-faceted
approach. We combine scientific research, conservation action, community engagement, and
policy advocacy to tackle the root causes of the problems facing wildlife. By addressing these
issues holistically, we aim to create long-lasting positive change and ensure the survival of
diverse species and their habitats.


The world is facing unprecedented challenges in wildlife conservation. Habitat loss, climate
change, poaching, and unsustainable practices pose significant threats to the survival of many
species. At Wildlife Conservancy Institute, we recognize these challenges and are committed to
finding solutions. We believe that through education, collaboration, and innovative approaches,
we can mitigate these threats and ensure the long-term survival of wildlife. Habitat destruction
and fragmentation have led to the decline of numerous species, pushing them to the brink of
extinction. Climate change exacerbates these issues, altering ecosystems and disrupting the
delicate balance on which wildlife depends. Illegal wildlife trade and poaching continue to
decimate populations, robbing the world of its natural heritage. To address these challenges,
Wildlife Conservancy Institute takes a proactive approach that combines research, conservation
action, community engagement, and policy advocacy. We believe that by addressing the root
causes of these issues and involving local communities in our efforts, we can achieve sustainable
and long-lasting conservation outcomes. Through our comprehensive programs, we aim to raise
awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation, foster sustainable practices, and
empower individuals and communities to become active participants in protecting their natural

By collaborating with local stakeholders, governments, and international partners, we
seek to influence policy decisions and implement effective strategies that safeguard wildlife and
their habitats. And this is where Wildlife Conservancy Institute steps in. We understand the
urgent need to address the unprecedented challenges facing wildlife conservation on a global
scale. The threats of habitat loss, climate change, poaching, and unsustainable practices have
reached alarming levels, putting many species at risk of extinction. However, we firmly believe
that with dedication, innovation, and collective action, we can overcome these challenges and
secure a future where wildlife thrives.


At Wildlife Conservancy Institute, our work is guided by a set of core values that underpin our
conservation efforts


We are driven by a deep respect and appreciation for all forms of life. We recognize the intrinsic value of wildlife and their habitats, and we are committed to their preservation. Conservation is at the heart of everything we do.


We promote sustainable practices that balance the needs of humans and the environment. We recognize the importance of sustainable development and strive to find solutions that ensure the long-term viability of ecosystems, benefiting both wildlife and communities.


We believe that collective action is essential for effective wildlife conservation. We foster partnerships and collaborations with individuals, communities, organizations, and government agencies to maximize our collective impact. By working together, we can achieve greater results and create a network of dedicated conservationists.


We aim to empower individuals and communities to become active participants in wildlife conservation efforts. Through education, capacity-building, and community engagement, we inspire people to take ownership of their natural heritage and become advocates for wildlife.

Ethical Practices

We uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct in our work. We promote responsible and respectful interactions withwildlife and the environment, ensuring that our actions have minimal impact on fragile ecosystems. We prioritize the well-being and welfare of wildlife in all our conservation activities.